JMDA support Brake with 'Bake to Brake' campaign

JMDA Share The Love With Baking Fundraiser

Supporting road safety charity Brake and their exciting calendar of fundraising events this year, JMDA enjoyed participating in ‘Bake for Brake’ this week. Fully embracing their latest challenge, the team rose to the occasion by baking a variety of appetising snacks to share with one another during a Valentine’s lunch buffet.

In support of their chosen charity for 2018, JMDA were encouraged to enter a dish or baked snack into JMDA’s ‘Bake for Brake’ competition. Embracing the Valentine’s themed celebration, the team enjoyed the challenge of incorporating the concept of ‘love’ into their tasty culinary creations. All entry fees were donated to Brake and will be used to help fund some of their road safety campaigns, working with communities and organisations across the UK. Amongst some of the culinary delights whipped up for the occasion were children’s party food platters, delicious homemade truffles and chocolate dipped strawberries which the team devoured within minutes! By far the favourite dish of the day and the winner of the baking event was Phil Tierney’s homemade chocolate cupcakes!

Cherril Barker, Financial Director at JMDA explains, ‘JMDA is very cosmopolitan and we’re very lucky to have staff from all over the world working amongst our team of specialist Creative and Engineering Designers.’ She adds, ‘With the event falling on Valentine’s Day we thought it a good idea to challenge staff to incorporate the theme of love in to their baking. What we found is that we each interpret the theme of love in slightly different ways. The food of love in one country might not be the same in another. It made for a very interesting baking fundraiser as we had a wide variety of dishes and items to share with one another.

JMDA’s integrated processes and worldwide network allows the company to turn great creative ideas into realised, profitable and impactful products for a global market. Besides Child restraint systems, JMDA’s experienced team of multi-skilled designers specialise in the design of integrated electronic devices such as door entry systems and smoke detectors.

For further details about JMDA, and their various fundraising events for Brake this year, please call +44 (0) 1386 426100 or alternatively email [email protected].



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