Can integrated styling and new materials aid child car seat safety?
Having every single element of the child car seats being designed as an integral part of the whole seat, rather than separate elements, gives child restraint systems (CRS) design an integrated and homogeneous identity.
Integrated styling means all the parts are designed and styled, keeping in mind the entire picture of the seat and not by macro sections or parts. A Side Impact Protector (SIP) component can be designed as a stand-out feature to make a child car seat look more unique and desirable to the market, but it’s just as important to have it styled around the same design language and brand identity as the rest of the seat.
Our experience with our Chinese customers is that having an “harmonious” and “balanced” Ying & Yang -like mindset, are more adamant in style patterns that repeat over the whole seat. Plus, having style lines that run along the whole body, tying up together all the key parts of the CRS body.
When considering new materials, especially in the constant quest to reach new safety standards, there is an increased emphasis on material technology and research. Many manufacturers are willing to invest and explore new and ground-breaking solutions for their products, which can vastly improve safety, and even reduce costs or weight for the same level of protection.
When discussing new materials supporting child car seat safety, energy absorption is often the main focus. The discovery of new materials and new technologies has vastly helped to dissipate the amount of energy that’s passed onto the child. A combination of different materials and manufacturing solutions work in synergy to create a safer child car seat.
As well as increasing safety, new materials also help to elevate the latest CRS to a new level of quality and prestige that couldn’t have been dreamt of just a few years ago. The use of new fabrics and innovative materials for the soft good parts, which improve the comfort of the child inside the seat, as well as improve the ease of use for the parents, making the inner layers easier to clean.
JMDA’s next online webinar on Thursday 18th November, will discuss the everchanging landscape of CRS design, which also marks National Road Safety Week. Register now >>> https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8906164450555122445 or call +44 1386 426100 for more information.