JMDA Attend Reception at Australian High Commission

JMDA Attend Reception at Australian High Commission in London

Export Champions JMDA Attend Reception at Australian High Commission in London Celebrating the Australia UK Free-Trade Agreement.

JMDA Design’s Chris Raynor recently attended a reception at Australia House in London, hosted by HE the Hon Stephen Smith, High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, celebrating the first-year anniversary of entry into force of the Australia – United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement. This follows on from Chris speaking at the Birmingham stage of the Australia-New Zealand Roadshow with the DBT, back in March, as an export champion.

Chris Raynor, JMDA’s Operations Director said: “It was an honour to be invited to the event at Australia House in London, hosted by the High Commissioner of Australia, HE, Stephen Smith and with Deputy HC Elisabeth Bowes PSM, Australia-UK FTA Chief Negotiator, who gave excellent speeches on the importance of trade between the U.K. and Australia. The canapés and refreshments were also excellent!”

Many other officials connected with the #AUKFTA were also in attendance, including Kemi Badenoch, the Secretary of State for Business and Trade.

JMDA Design is a multi-award-winning product design agency which was founded in 1991, with offices in China and Italy providing a base for successful international trade. Having won a Herefordshire and Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce Business Award for International Trade in 2023 and then winning the regional category, JMDA Design are proud to be export champions driving global product design.

For more information regarding JMDA Design and the DBT please contact 01386 426100 or alternatively email [email protected].

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